Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 12:49 AM
Bing will be really busy and stress out to the MAX for the next 2-3 weeks. so pls pardon me if i have to reject your dinner offers and dates. cos ASIA CONFERENCE IS COMING!! you can really expect me to be rushing this and that from now on. but nonetheless, I AM EXCITED!
during this season, i am really trusting in God for his strength, wisdom & provision for all the areas of my life. with datelines of project submission clashing with asia conference, it really wont be easy for me. if he doesnt pour out double portion of his anointing, strength, wisdom upon me, i will die soon and you ought to bid me goodbye now. hahahas. but NO! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE! i need multiplication to come upon my time.. like 24 hours can become 48hours. i am trusting and just trusting that he will come through for my schoolwork and ministry and finances.
pls pray for me if you really love me. when i say i am busy, doesnt mean i wont pick up your calls k? i will still be just a phone call away if you need me :)